Inferring community properties of benthic macroinvertebrates in streams using Shannon index and exergy
Tuyen Van NGUYEN, Woon-Seok CHO, Hungsoo KIM, Il Hyo JUNG, YongKuk KIM, Tae-Soo CHON
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1) : 44-57.
Inferring community properties of benthic macroinvertebrates in streams using Shannon index and exergy
Definition of ecological integrity based on community analysis has long been a critical issue in risk assessment for sustainable ecosystem management. In this work, two indices (i.e., Shannon index and exergy) were selected for the analysis of community properties of benthic macroinvertebrate community in streams in Korea. For this purpose, the means and variances of both indices were analyzed. The results found an extra scope of structural and functional properties in communities in response to environmental variabilities and anthropogenic disturbances. The combination of these two parameters (four indices) was feasible in identification of disturbance agents (e.g., industrial pollution or organic pollution) and specifying states of communities. The four-aforementioned parameters (means and variances of Shannon index and exergy) were further used as input data in a self-organizing map for the characterization of water quality. Our results suggested that Shannon index and exergy in combination could be utilized as a suitable reference system and would be an efficient tool for assessment of the health of aquatic ecosystems exposed to environmental disturbances.
benthic macroinvertebrates / ecological integrity / anthropogenic pollution / self-organizing map
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