Dendrochronology-based stand growth estimation of Larix olgensis forest in relation with climate on the eastern slope of Changbai Mountain, NE China

Bo LIN, Qianqian XU, Wenhui LIU, Guochun ZHANG, Qiongyao XU, Qijing LIU

Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2013, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4) : 429-438.

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2013, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4) : 429-438. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-013-0401-z

Dendrochronology-based stand growth estimation of Larix olgensis forest in relation with climate on the eastern slope of Changbai Mountain, NE China

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The eastern slope of Changbai Mountain is characterized by pure larch forest (Larix olgensis) with little human disturbance. Response of tree growth to climate in this area remains unknown. Meanwhile, little is known about how climate variations affect the biomass increase which could be recognized as a three-dimensional tree growth index. The objective of this study is to investigate the climate effects on the radial and biomass growth of larch on eastern slope of Changbai Mountain. Tree-ring width chronologies and mean annual biomass increment were established using tree-ring data. We used correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to explore the relationship between larch growth and climatic factors from 1957 to 2009. Results show that tree-ring growth and mean annual biomass increment were primarily and significantly affected by previous year climatic variables with slight difference among months. Temperatures were more consistently and strongly correlated to the chronologies and mean annual biomass increment than was precipitation. Temperature is the main factor limiting larch growth on Changbai Mountain and the ongoing climate warming may accelerate the growth of the species. The current stand biomass of the area was 240.72 Mg·ha-1 and the annual stand biomass increment in 2009 was 2.91 Mg·ha-1. In conclusion, the old-growth forest in the study area is still accumulating carbon efficiently.


Larix olgensis / tree ring / climatic factors / biomass / China

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Bo LIN, Qianqian XU, Wenhui LIU, Guochun ZHANG, Qiongyao XU, Qijing LIU. Dendrochronology-based stand growth estimation of Larix olgensis forest in relation with climate on the eastern slope of Changbai Mountain, NE China. Front Earth Sci, 2013, 7(4): 429‒438


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We are grateful to the Associate Editor and anonymous reviewers for constructive feedback and insightful suggestions which greatly improved this article. This work was financially supported by China Public Welfare Forest Project (No. 200804001). Jian YU helped in field survey and data analysis.


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