Transport of a volatile contaminant in a free-surface wetland flow
Jue YUAN, Li ZENG, Yijun ZHAO, Yihong WU, Ping JI, Bin CHEN
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1) : 115-122.
Transport of a volatile contaminant in a free-surface wetland flow
Presented in this paper is an analytical study of a pulsed volatile contaminant emission into a free-surface wetland flow. A simplified model is given for contaminant transport under the combined action of advection, mass dispersion, apparent reaction, and volatilization at the free water surface. The effect of periodic apparent reaction on contaminant transport is separated from the hydraulic effect via an extended transformation, with a limiting case covering the known transformation for constant apparent reaction rate. The analytical solutions of zeroth and first order concentration moments are rigorously derived and illustrated. It was found that the amount of contaminant decreases from the bottom bed to the free-surface under volatilization, and the total amount of contaminant decays with time. It was also found that the moving speed of the mass center of the whole contaminant cloud increases, as the ratio of volatilization coefficient to vertical effective mass dispersivity increases.
contaminant transport / volatilization / reaction / wetland hydraulics
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