Integrating satellite imagery and geostatistics of point samples for monitoring spatio-temporal changes of total suspended solids in bay waters: application to Tien Yen Bay (Northern Vietnam)

Nguyen Thi Thu HA, Katsuaki KOIKE

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11707-011-0187-9

Integrating satellite imagery and geostatistics of point samples for monitoring spatio-temporal changes of total suspended solids in bay waters: application to Tien Yen Bay (Northern Vietnam)

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High concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) in coastal and bay areas strongly affect water quality and aquatic ecosystems. Frequent monitoring of spatio-temporal changes of TSS distribution in such areas is indispensable for understanding sediment fluxes and water cycles, and to preserve ecosystem health. This study aimed to identify appropriate and sufficient tools for assessing changes in TSS distribution in Tien Yen Bay in Northern Vietnam, a typical closed bay, which was selected as the study area because of its rich biodiversity. Initially, a physical based model using the reflectance at the sea surface was developed for estimating TSS concentrations from satellite image data, and a model with an exponential function was identified as suitable for the estimation. This model was fitted appropriately to provide a relationship between reflectance from the MODIS/Terra band 1 (visible red) after the atmospheric correction and the in situ TSS concentrations at 40 points. Ordinary kriging was then shown to be effective in improving the spatial resolution of the MODIS/Terra image-based estimation of the TSS concentration at a 250 m interval, because it could detect TSS variation in detail, in particular in the local estuaries. TSS distributions derived from 12 MODIS/Terra images from November 2009 to October 2010 clarified seasonal changes in TSS during one year. TSS concentrations were high during summer and lower during fall and winter. Such trends were conformable with the hydrodynamics in Tien Yen Bay. Consequently, the proposed method was more effective for TSS estimation than traditional methods using satellite image data only.


total suspended solids (TSS) / water quality / MODIS band 1 / ordinary kriging / seasonal change

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Nguyen Thi Thu HA, Katsuaki KOIKE. Integrating satellite imagery and geostatistics of point samples for monitoring spatio-temporal changes of total suspended solids in bay waters: application to Tien Yen Bay (Northern Vietnam). Front Earth Sci,


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We are grateful to Professor Mai Trong Nhuan and other colleagues at the Hanoi University of Science for their support and assistance in the fieldwork and sample analysis, and NASA for providing MODIS data. Sincere thanks are extended to anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions.


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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