Understanding the transportational and depositional setting of Panchet Formation, Purulia and Bankura districts of West Bengal, India---- Evidence from grain size analysis

Bapi GOSWAMI, Dipsikha GHOSH

Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2011, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2) : 138-149.

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2011, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2) : 138-149. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-011-0169-y

Understanding the transportational and depositional setting of Panchet Formation, Purulia and Bankura districts of West Bengal, India---- Evidence from grain size analysis

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The rocks of Triassic Panchet Formation (TPF) of West Bengal, India, predominantly include sandstones of medium to fine grain-size, with subordinate shale and pebble horizons. Textural parameter like mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis are calculated using standard methods to understand the transportation and the depositional environment of the sediments in a part of Panchet Formation. Granulometric analyses indicate the presence of fluvial environment interrupted with aeolian, beach and tidal environments prevailed during the time of deposition of the sediments in this part of Gondwanaland during the Triassic time.


gondwanaland / panchet / textural parameters / environment / West Bengal

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Bapi GOSWAMI, Dipsikha GHOSH. Understanding the transportational and depositional setting of Panchet Formation, Purulia and Bankura districts of West Bengal, India---- Evidence from grain size analysis. Front Earth Sci, 2011, 5(2): 138‒149 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-011-0169-y


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We are indebted to Dr. Barendra Purkait for his kind encouragement and discussion during the progress of the work. We are thankful to Dr. Maotian Li and Dr. Qianli Sun for their detailed reviews and constructive comments which considerably improved the quality of the manuscript. Head, Department of Geology, University of Calcutta must be thanked for his kind permission to carryout the work in the department. Financial grant of University of Calcutta to BG also gratefully acknowledged.


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