Integrative assessment of hydrological, ecological, and economic systems for water resources management at river basin scale
Xianglian LI, Xiusheng YANG, Qiong GAO, Yu LI, Suocheng DONG
Integrative assessment of hydrological, ecological, and economic systems for water resources management at river basin scale
This study presents a basin-scale integrative hydrological, ecological, and economic (HEE) modeling system, aimed at evaluating the impact of resources management, especially agricultural water resources management, on the sustainability of regional water resources. The hydrological model in the modeling system was adapted from SWAT, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool, to simulate the water balance in terms of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and streamflow. An ecological model was integrated into the hydrological model to compute the ecosystem production of biomass production and yield for different land use types. The economic model estimated the monetary values of crop production and water productivity over irrigated areas. The modeling system was primarily integrated and run on a Windows platform and was able to produce simulation results at daily time steps with a spatial resolution of hydrological response unit (HRU). The modeling system was then calibrated over the period from 1983 to 1991 for the upper and middle parts of the Yellow River basin, China. Calibration results showed that the efficiencies of the modeling system in simulating monthly streamflow over 5 hydrological stations were from 0.54 to 0.68 with an average of 0.64, indicating an acceptable calibration. Preliminary simulation results from 1986 to 1995 revealed that water use in the study region has largely reduced the streamflow in many parts of the area except for that in the riverhead. Spatial distribution of biomass production, and crop yield showed a strong impact of irrigation on agricultural production. Water productivity over irrigated cropland ranged from 1 to 1640 USD/(ha·mm-1), indicating a wide variation of the production conditions within the study region and a great potential in promoting water use efficiency in low water productivity areas. Generally, simulation results from this study indicated that the modeling system was capable of tracking the temporal and spatial variability of pertinent water balance variables, ecosystem dynamics, and regional economy, and provided a useful simulation tool in evaluating long-term water resources management strategies in a basin scale.
ecosystem production / integrative modeling system / upper and middle parts of the Yellow River basin / water resources management
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