Environmental geochemistry of high arsenic groundwater at western Hetao plain, Inner Mongolia
Jun HE, Teng MA, Yamin DENG, Hui YANG, Yanxin WANG
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2009, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (1) : 63-72.
Environmental geochemistry of high arsenic groundwater at western Hetao plain, Inner Mongolia
Environmental geochemistry of high arsenic groundwater at Hetao plain was studied on the basis of geochemical survey of the groundwater and a core sediment. Arsenic concentration in groundwater samples varies from 76 to 1093 μg/L. The high arsenic groundwater mostly appears to be weakly alkaline. The concentrations of and are relatively low, while the concentrations of DOC, , dissolved Fe and sulfide are relatively great. Analysis of arsenic speciation in 21 samples shows that arsenic is present in the solution predominantly as As(III), while particulate arsenic constitutes about 10% of the total arsenic. Methane is detected in five samples with the greatest content being 5107 μg/L. The shallow aquifer in Hangjinhouqi of western Hetao plain is of strongly reducing condition. The arsenic content in 23 core sediment samples varies from 7.7 to 34.6 mg/kg, with great value in clay and mild clay layer. The obvious positive relationship in content between Fe2O3, Mn, Sb, B, V and As indicates that the distribution of arsenic in the sediments may be related to Fe and Mn oxides, and the mobilization of Sb, B and V may be affected by similar geochemical processes as that of As.
arsenic groundwater / environmental geochemistry / Hetao plain
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