Progresses in the ice formation of glaciers in China

LI Xiangying1, Shangguan Donghui1, LIU Shiyin2, LU Aigang3

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3) : 346-355. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-008-0025-x

Progresses in the ice formation of glaciers in China

  • LI Xiangying1, Shangguan Donghui1, LIU Shiyin2, LU Aigang3
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Glaciers, formed by snowfall and characterized by movement and size, are the most sensitive indicators to climate change. The ice formation of glaciers (the processes, mechanisms and results of transformation from snow to ice) can indicate the growth condition, the formation process and the physical characteristics of glaciers. Its spatial variation can also reflect glacier change, and further reveal climate change. Studies on ice formation of glaciers in China were initiated in 1962, when Xie and others studied the ice formation of Glacier No.1 at the Urumqi River head, Tianshan Mountain. Other researchers followed suit and did studies on ice formation of glaciers in Qilian Mountain. As time goes by, the concept of ice formation came into being in China. This paper reviews the development history of glacier zones, and the studies of ice formation of glaciers in China since the 1960s. These studies mainly focus on Qilian Mountain, Tianshan Mountain, Altay Mountain, and the western Kunlun Mountain, Himalaya Mountain, the southeastern Tibetan and Hengduan Mountains. The paper also discusses the significance of ice formation studies, the limitation and deficiency of previous studies, and the prospects and suggestions for future studies.

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LI Xiangying, Shangguan Donghui, LIU Shiyin, LU Aigang. Progresses in the ice formation of glaciers in China. Front. Earth Sci., 2008, 2(3): 346‒355


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