Role of on sediment dynamics of coastal salt marshes - case study from central Jiangsu and middle Fujian coasts

WANG Aijun1, WANG Yaping2, CHEN Jian3

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11707-008-0021-1

Role of on sediment dynamics of coastal salt marshes - case study from central Jiangsu and middle Fujian coasts

  • WANG Aijun1, WANG Yaping2, CHEN Jian3
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Coastal salt marshes represent an important coastal wetland system. In order to protect coastlines from erosion and rapid increase in accumulation rate, Spartina alterniflora (S. alterniflora) was introduced into the Chinese coast. Two study areas (Wanggang and Quanzhou Bay) were selected that represent the plain type and embayment type of the coastal salt marshes. In situ measurements show that the tidal current velocities are stronger on the intertidal mudflat without S. alterniflora than that with S. alterniflora, and the velocity above the canopy surface is larger than that in the salt marsh canopy. The existence of S. alterniflora also influences the velocity structure above the bare flat during ebb tide. With the decrease in current flow velocity when seawater enters into the S. alterniflora marsh, suspended sediments are largely entrapped on the marsh surface, leading to increase in sedimentation rates and change in physical evolution processes of the coastal salt marshes. The highly developed root system of S. alterniflora induces sediment mixing and exchange between subsurface sediment strata and affects the vertical sediment distribution remarkably. The sedimentation rate of S. alterniflora marsh at the Wanggang area is much higher than the relative sea level rise rate, where rapid progradation of the Wanggang salt marshes that is protecting the coast from sea erosion is observed.

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WANG Aijun, WANG Yaping, CHEN Jian. Role of on sediment dynamics of coastal salt marshes - case study from central Jiangsu and middle Fujian coasts. Front. Earth Sci.,


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