Jun 2007, Volume 1 Issue 2

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  • TANG Yuanyan
    This paper gives an introduction and remarks on two review papers for Chinese character recognition. One review is made by Chinese authors, another is from American scientists. They investigate Chinese character from different language environments; they do the research from different points of view. Thus, a more comprehensive view on Chinese character recognition, which is an important branch of pattern recognition, can be provided to the readers. Meantime, one article pays attention to online process, and other paper deals with offline recognition, which complement each other.
  • DAI Ruwei, XIAO Baihua, LIU Chenglin
    Chinese character recognition (CCR) is an important branch of pattern ecognition. It was considered as an extremely difficult problem due to the very large number of categories, complicated structures, similarity between characters, and the variability of fonts or writing styles. Because of its unique technical challenges and great social needs, the last four decades witnessed the intensive research in this field and a rapid increase of successful applications. However, higher recognition performance is continuously needed to improve the existing applications and to exploit new applications. This paper first provides an overview of Chinese character recognition and the properties of Chinese characters. Some important methods and successful results in the history of Chinese character recognition are then summarized. As for classification methods, this article pays special attention to the syntactic-semantic approach for online Chinese character recognition, as well as the meta-synthesis approach for discipline crossing. Finally, the remaining problems and the possible solutions are discussed.
  • Sargur N. Srihari, Xuanshen Yang, Gregory R. Ball
    Offline Chinese handwriting recognition (OCHR) is a typically difficult pattern recognition problem. Many authors have presented various approaches to recognizing its different aspects. We present a survey and an assessment of relevant papers appearing in recent publications of relevant conferences and journals, including those appearing in ICDAR, SDIUT, IWFHR, ICPR, PAMI, PR, PRL, SPIEDRR, and IJDAR. The methods are assessed in the sense that we document their technical approaches, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the data sets on which they were reportedly tested and on which results were generated. We also identify a list of technology gaps with respect to Chinese handwriting recognition and identify technical approaches that show promise in these areas as well as identify the leading researchers for the applicable topics, discussing difficulties associated with any given approach.
  • ZHANG Yunquan, CHEN Guoliang, SUN Guangzhong, MIAO Qiankun
    In this paper, the state-of-the-art parallel computational model research is reviewed. We will introduce various models that were developed during the past decades. According to their targeting architecture features, especially memory organization, we classify these parallel computational models into three generations. These models and their characteristics are discussed based on three generations classification. We believe that with the ever increasing speed gap between the CPU and memory systems, incorporating non-uniform memory hierarchy into computational models will become unavoidable. With the emergence of multi-core CPUs, the parallelism hierarchy of current computing platforms becomes more and more complicated. Describing this complicated parallelism hierarchy in future computational models becomes more and more important. A semi-automatic toolkit that can extract model parameters and their values on real computers can reduce the model analysis complexity, thus allowing more complicated models with more parameters to be adopted. Hierarchical memory and hierarchical parallelism will be two very important features that should be considered in future model design and research.
  • LUO Weiqi, QU Zhenhua, PAN Feng, HUANG Jiwu
    Over the past years, digital images have been widely used in the Internet and other applications. Whilst image processing techniques are developing at a rapid speed, tampering with digital images without leaving any obvious traces becomes easier and easier. This may give rise to some problems such as image authentication. A new passive technology for image forensics has evolved quickly during the last few years. Unlike the signature-based or watermark-based methods, the new technology does not need any signature generated or watermark embedded in advance. It assumes that different imaging devices or processing would introduce different inherent patterns into the output images. These underlying patterns are consistent in the original untampered images and would be altered after some kind of manipulations. Thus, they can be used as evidence for image source identification and alteration detection. In this paper, we will discuss this new forensics technology and give an overview of the prior literatures. Some concluding remarks are made about the state of the art and the challenges in this novel technology.
  • LIANG Tielin, WANG Dongming, WANG Dongming
    This paper presents the design and implementation of a geometric-object-oriented language Gool for constructing, representing, manipulating, and visualizing symbolic geometric objects and relations and performing symbolic geometric computation and formal reasoning. The language uses case distinction to formalize symbolic geometric objects and relations, reducing the problem of dealing with uncertainty and degeneracy to that of handling geometric constraints. We describe the capabilities, features, and main components of Gool, propose several techniques for geometric constraint handling, and discuss some of the implementation issues.
  • SU Kaile, XIAO Yinyin, CHEN Qingliang, LIN Han
    The formal methods for security protocols guarantee the security properties of protocols. Instantiation Space Logic is a new security protocol logic, which has a strong expressive power. Compositional Logic is also a useful security protocol logic. This paper analyzes the relationship between these two logics, and interprets the semantics of Compositional Logic in Instantiation Space model. Through our work, the interpreted Compositional Logic can be extended more easily. Moreover, those security protocols described in Compositional Logic can be automatically verified by the verifier of Instantiation Space. The paper also proves that the expressive power of Instantiation Space Logic, which can not be completely interpreted by Compositional Logic, is stronger than Compositional Logic.
  • JIN Hai, YI Chuanjiang
    In grid computing environment, grid users often need to authorize remote computers acting as original users' identity. But the original user may be under the risk of information leakage and identity abused for sending his credential to remote computing environment. Existing grid security practice has few means to enforce the security of credential delivery. Trusted Computing (TC) technology can be added to grid computing environment to enhance the grid security. With TC using an essential in-platform (trusted) third party, Trusted Platform Module (TPM), we can use TC to protect the user credential. In this paper we present credential migration management (CMM) system, which is a part of Daonity project, to manifest migrating credential in security between different computers with TPM.
  • LI Renfa, XIE Yunlong, WEN Jigang, YUE Guangxue
    Gossip (or epidemic) algorithms have recently become popular solutions to multicast message dissemination in peer-to-peer systems. Nevertheless, it is not straight-forward to apply gossip to on-demand streaming because it often fails to achieve a timely delivery. To solve this problem and taking into account the characteristic of peers randomly joining and leaving in peer-to-peer systems, an Efficient Membership Management Protocol (EMMP) has been presented. Every node only needs to keep contact with O (log(N)) nodes, and EMMP can support the reliable dissemination of messages. Considering the distance  between peers, it causes the major data to be transmitted in a local area and reduces the backbone s traffic, and speeds up the dissemination of messages between peers. This paper has adopted the goodfriend  mechanism to reduce the influence on the system when a peer fails or leaves. Simulation results show that EMMP is highly efficient, and both the redundancy and the delay of the system are well solved.
  • QIAN Weining, ZHOU Aoying, XU Linhao, ZHOU Minqi
    Application-level content-based routing using XML is a key technology for decentralized publish/subscribe systems. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to support the efficient dissemination of XML packets when allowing the clients to specify their subscriptions with path queries. The proposed method is based on Chord-liked distributed hash table (DHT) scheme. The integration of XML packet filtering and finger table based routing in structured overlay networks provides an elegant base for the proposed SONNET system, upon which the optimization techniques are studied. Analytical and empirical results have shown that the coupling of disseminating and routing in publish/subscribe systems could offer robustness and extensibility for the systems, while the decoupling of the two aspects brings more scalability and workload balance. Extensive empirical studies have demonstrated that the proposed method outperforms previous efforts for content-based routing.
  • ZHANG Weiguo, ZHANG Weiguo, XIAO Guozhen, XIAO Guozhen, CAI Mian, CAI Mian
    To produce a highly nonlinear resilient function, the disjoint linear codes were originally proposed by Johansson and Pasalic in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2003, 49(2): 494-501. In this paper, an effective method for finding a set of such disjoint linear codes is presented. When n ≥ 2k , we can find a set of [n,k] disjoint linear codes with cardinality 2n -k + [(n-k)/k]; When n < 2k, no set of disjoint linear codes exists with cardinality at least 2. We also describe a result on constructing a set of [n, k] disjoint linear codes with minimum distance at least some fixed positive integer.
  • YANG Xuejun, WANG Panfeng, DU Yunfei, ZHOU Haifang
    With the increasing importance of multiplatform remote sensing missions, the fast integration or fusion of digital images from disparate sources has become critical to the success of these endeavors. In this paper, to speed up the fusion process, a Data-distributed Parallel Algorithm for wavelet-based Fusion (DPAF for short) of remote sensing images which are not geo-registered remote sensing images is presented for the first time. To overcome the limitations on memory space as well as the computing capability of a single processor, data distribution, data-parallel processing and load balancing techniques are integrated into DPAF. To avoid the inherent communication overhead of a wavelet-based fusion method, a special design called redundant partitioning is used, which is inspired by the characteristics of wavelet transform. Finally, DPAF is evaluated in theory and tested on a 32-CPU cluster of workstations. The experimental results show that our algorithm has good parallel performance and scalability.
  • CHEN Chuanbo, ZHENG Yunping, SAREM Mudar
    The automatic in-betweening technology is one of the most important technologies in computer-assisted animation. The preprocessing of inconsistency of the topological structure between the start and the end key frames is time-consuming in the traditional in-betweening algorithm. Therefore, in order to guarantee the consistency of the topology structure between the start and the end key frames, we present in this paper a new mesh-based automatic in-betweening algorithm for the key frame animation. By meshing a three-dimensional object, all the infinite and disorderly points on the surface of an object can be converted into finite and ordinal points according to some principles of each layer and between layers, and then a series of in-betweens can be automatically generated in terms of an interpolation function. The algorithm in this paper presents a solution to the corresponding principles of the vertices on each layer and between layers after meshing the start and the end key frames. The experimental results demonstrate that the animation generated based on this method is smooth, natural, and fluent. In application, our algorithm can improve the efficiency of animation production as well as greatly reducing the cost.