Constrained clustering with weak label prior
Jing ZHANG, Ruidong FAN, Hong TAO, Jiacheng JIANG, Chenping HOU
Constrained clustering with weak label prior
Clustering is widely exploited in data mining. It has been proved that embedding weak label prior into clustering is effective to promote its performance. Previous researches mainly focus on only one type of prior. However, in many real scenarios, two kinds of weak label prior information, e.g., pairwise constraints and cluster ratio, are easily obtained or already available. How to incorporate them to improve clustering performance is important but rarely studied. We propose a novel constrained Clustering with Weak Label Prior method (CWLP), which is an integrated framework. Within the unified spectral clustering model, the pairwise constraints are employed as a regularizer in spectral embedding and label proportion is added as a constraint in spectral rotation. To approximate a variant of the embedding matrix more precisely, we replace a cluster indicator matrix with its scaled version. Instead of fixing an initial similarity matrix, we propose a new similarity matrix that is more suitable for deriving clustering results. Except for the theoretical convergence and computational complexity analyses, we validate the effectiveness of CWLP through several benchmark datasets, together with its ability to discriminate suspected breast cancer patients from healthy controls. The experimental evaluation illustrates the superiority of our proposed approach.
clustering / weak label prior / cluster ratio / pairwise constraints
Jing Zhang is a PhD candidate at the National University of Defense Technology, China. She received the BS degree from Sichuan Normal University, China in 2017 and the MS degree from the National University of Defense Technology, China in 2019. Her research interests include machine learning, system science, and data mining
Ruidong Fan is a PhD candidate at the National University of Defense Technology, China. He received the BS degree from Lanzhou University, China in 2018 and the MS degree from the National University of Defense Technology, China in 2020. His research interests include data mining, optimization, and transfer learning
Hong Tao received the PhD degree from the National University of Defense Technology, China in 2019. She is currently a Lecturer with the College of Liberal Arts and Science of the same university. Her research interests include machine learning, system science, and data mining
Jiacheng Jiang received the MS degree from the National University of Defense Technology in 2020, China. He received the BS degree with the same university in 2018. His research interests include data mining and machine learning
Chenping Hou received the PhD degree from the National University of Defense Technology, China in 2009. He is currently a full Professor with the Department of Systems Science of the same university. He has authored 80+ peer-reviewed papers in journals and conferences, such as the IEEE TPAMI, TNNLS/TNN, IEEE TSMCB/TCB, IEEE TIP, the IJCAI, and AAAI. His current research interests include machine learning, data mining, and computer vision
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