The most tenuous group query
Na LI, Huaijie ZHU, Wenhao LU, Ningning CUI, Wei LIU, Jian YIN, Jianliang XU, Wang-Chien LEE
The most tenuous group query
Recently a lot of works have been investigating to find the tenuous groups, i.e., groups with few social interactions and weak relationships among members, for reviewer selection and psycho-educational group formation. However, the metrics (e.g., k-triangle, k-line, and k-tenuity) used to measure the tenuity, require a suitable k value to be specified which is difficult for users without background knowledge. Thus, in this paper we formulate the most tenuous group (MTG) query in terms of the group distance and average group distance of a group measuring the tenuity to eliminate the influence of parameter k on the tenuity of the group. To address the MTG problem, we first propose an exact algorithm, namely MTG-VDIS, which takes priority to selecting those vertices whose vertex distance is large, to generate the result group, and also utilizes effective filtering and pruning strategies. Since MTG-VDIS is not fast enough, we design an efficient exact algorithm, called MTG-VDGE, which exploits the degree metric to sort the vertexes and proposes a new combination order, namely degree and reverse based branch and bound (DRBB). MTG-VDGE gives priority to those vertices with small degree. For a large p, we further develop an approximation algorithm, namely MTG-VDLT, which discards candidate attendees with high degree to reduce the number of vertices to be considered. The experimental results on real datasets manifest that the proposed algorithms outperform existing approaches on both efficiency and group tenuity.
tenuous group / pruning strategy / social network / group query
Na Li is a master candidate at Sun Yat-Sun University, China. Her research interests include spatial database and social network
Huaijie Zhu received the BSc degree from the Information Science Department, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China and the MSc degree from the Computer Science Department, Northeastern University, China. He received the PhD degree in computer science from Northeastern University, China in 2018. He is currently an associate professor with Sun Yat-Sen University, China. His research interests include spatial database, and data privacy. He is a member of the ACM and a senior member of the CCF
Wenhao Lu is a M candidate at Sun Yat-Sun University, China. His research interests include spatial database, social network
Ningning Cui is a senior lecture in the School of computer science, Anhui University, China. He graduated with a PhD degree in the Computer Science from Northeastern University, China in 2020. During his PhD degree, Dr. Cui worked as a visiting scholar in University of Western Australia (UWA), Australia from 2018 to 2019. His research interests include data security, privacy preserving, query processing and optimization, and big data analytics. He has published a series of high quality research papers in the international conferences and journals, including IEEE ICDE, IEEE TII, WWW Journal, DASFAA, etc. He has served as different roles in academic committees, e.g., the conference PC members in CIKM2021, ADMA 2019 and 2020, and the reviewer of journals such as WWWJ, FCS, Neurocomputing, etc
Wei Liu received the BS degree from Shanghai University, MS degree from South China University of Technology, Ph.D. degree from Sun Yat-Sen University, China in 2010, 2013, 2018, respectively, all in computer science. He is doing a post-doctoral fellow in Sun Yat-sen University from 2018. His current research interests are in the areas of recommendation system, user behavior learning in location-based social network, spatio-temporal data mining and deep learning
Jian Yin received the BS, MS, and PhD degrees from Wuhan University, China in 1989, 1991, and 1994, respectively, all in computer science. He joined Sun Yat-Sen University, China in July 1994 and now he is a professor of Data and Computer Science School. He has published more than 100 refereed journal and conference papers. His current research interests are in the areas of Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. He is a senior member of China Computer Federation
Jianliang Xu received the BEng degree in computer science and engineering from Zhejiang University, China and the PhD degree in computer science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China. He is a professor with the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, China. He held visiting positions with Pennsylvania State University, USA and Fudan University, China. His research interests include big data management, mobile computing, and data security and privacy. He has published more than 150 technical papers in these areas. He has served as a program cochair/vice chair for a number of major international conferences including IEEE ICDCS 2012, IEEE CPSNA 2015, and APWeb-WAIM 2018. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering and the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2018
Wang-Chien Lee received the PhD degree in computer and information science from the Ohio State University, USA. Currently, he is an associate professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Pennsylvania State University, USA, leading the Intelligent Pervasive Data Access (iPDA) research group to pursue cross-area research in data management, pervasive/mobile computing, and networking. He has published more than 280 research papers in these areas. He serves as an associate editor on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (TSC) and the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST). He is a member of the IEEE
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