Pairwise tagging framework for end-to-end emotion-cause pair extraction
Zhen WU, Xinyu DAI, Rui XIA
Pairwise tagging framework for end-to-end emotion-cause pair extraction
Emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE) aims to extract all the pairs of emotions and corresponding causes in a document. It generally contains three subtasks, emotions extraction, causes extraction, and causal relations detection between emotions and causes. Existing works adopt pipelined approaches or multi-task learning to address the ECPE task. However, the pipelined approaches easily suffer from error propagation in real-world scenarios. Typical multi-task learning cannot optimize all tasks globally and may lead to suboptimal extraction results. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework, Pairwise Tagging Framework (PTF), tackling the complete emotion-cause pair extraction in one unified tagging task. Unlike prior works, PTF innovatively transforms all subtasks of ECPE, i.e., emotions extraction, causes extraction, and causal relations detection between emotions and causes, into one unified clause-pair tagging task. Through this unified tagging task, we can optimize the ECPE task globally and extract more accurate emotion-cause pairs. To validate the feasibility and effectiveness of PTF, we design an end-to-end PTF-based neural network and conduct experiments on the ECPE benchmark dataset. The experimental results show that our method outperforms pipelined approaches significantly and typical multi-task learning approaches.
emotion-cause pair extraction / pairwise tagging framework / end-to-end / neural network
Zhen Wu is a PhD candidate of the National Key Lab for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University, China. He received his BEng degree from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China in 2016. In the same year, he was admitted to pursue a PhD degree at Nanjing University, China. His research interests include natural language processing and sentiment analysis
Xinyu Dai is a Professor of the School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University, China. He received his PhD degree in the Department of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University, China in 2005. He joined Nanjing University, as an assistant professor in 2005, worked as an associate professor from 2008, and became professor in 2017. His research interests majorly include language processing and intelligence, knowledge engineering, and human-machine communication
Rui Xia is a Professor of the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China. He received the BSc degree from Southeast University, China in 2004, the MSc degree from East China University of Science and Technology, China in 2007, and the PhD degree from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China in 2011. His research interests include natural language processing, machine learning, and data mining
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