A user requirements-oriented privacy policy self-adaption scheme in cloud computing
Changbo KE, Fu XIAO, Zhiqiu HUANG, Fangxiong XIAO
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2) : 172203.
A user requirements-oriented privacy policy self-adaption scheme in cloud computing
In an ever-changing environment, Software as a Service (SaaS) can rarely protect users’ privacy. Being able to manage and control the privacy is therefore an important goal for SaaS. Once the participant of composite service is substituted, it is unclear whether the composite service satisfy user privacy requirement or not. In this paper, we propose a privacy policies automatic update method to enhance user privacy when a service participant change in the composite service. Firstly, we model the privacy policies and service variation rules. Secondly, according to the service variation rules, the privacy policies are automatically generated through the negotiation between user and service composer. Thirdly, we prove the feasibility and applicability of our method with the experiments. When the service quantity is 50, ratio that the services variations are successfully checked by monitor is 81%. Moreover, ratio that the privacy policies are correctly updated is 93.6%.
cloud computing / SaaS service / privacy protection / privacy policies update
Changbo Ke received his PhD degree from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China in 2014. Now he is an associate professor and master supervisor in Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He has published more than 10 papers in related international conferences and journals, including IEEE TSC, IEEE TR, KBS, and so on. His major research interests include privacy and security in IoT. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society
Fu Xiao received his PhD degree in computer science and technology from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China in 2007. He is currently a professor and PhD supervisor in the School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. He has published more than 20 papers in related international conferences and journals, including IEEE/ACM ToN, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TMC, IEEE TVT, INFOCOM, IPCCC, ICC, and so on. His main research interest include the wireless sensor networksand Internet of Things. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery
Zhiqiu Huang received his PhD degree from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. Now he is a professor and PhD supervisor in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. He has published more than 40 papers in related international conferences and journals, including IEEE TSC, KBS, FGCS Computers & Security, IEEE TNSM, ICWS, and so on. His major research interests include formal method, software engineering, and cloud computing
Fangxiong Xiao received his PhD degree from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China in 2010. Now he is a professor in Jinling Institute of Technology of China. He has published more than 10 papers in related international conferences and journals. His major research interests include software engineering and block chain
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