Research on key technologies of edge cache in virtual data space across WAN
Jiantong HUO, Yaowen XU, Zhisheng HUO, Limin XIAO, Zhenxue HE
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1) : 171102.
Research on key technologies of edge cache in virtual data space across WAN
The authors of this paper have previously proposed the global virtual data space system (GVDS) to aggregate the scattered and autonomous storage resources in China’s national supercomputer grid (National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou, National Supercomputing Center in Jinan, National Supercomputing Center in Changsha, Shanghai Supercomputing Center, and Computer Network Information Center in Chinese Academy of Sciences) into a storage system that spans the wide area network (WAN), which realizes the unified management of global storage resources in China. At present, the GVDS has been successfully deployed in the China National Grid environment. However, when accessing and sharing remote data in the WAN, the GVDS will cause redundant transmission of data and waste a lot of network bandwidth resources. In this paper, we propose an edge cache system as a supplementary system of the GVDS to improve the performance of upper-level applications accessing and sharing remote data. Specifically, we first designs the architecture of the edge cache system, and then study the key technologies of this architecture: the edge cache index mechanism based on double-layer hashing, the edge cache replacement strategy based on the GDSF algorithm, the request routing based on consistent hashing method, and the cluster member maintenance method based on the SWIM protocol. The experimental results show that the edge cache system has successfully implemented the relevant operation functions (read, write, deletion, modification, etc.) and is compatible with the POSIX interface in terms of function. Further, it can greatly reduce the amount of data transmission and increase the data access bandwidth when the accessed file is located at the edge cache system in terms of performance, i.e., its performance is close to the performance of the network file system in the local area network (LAN).
virtual data space system / wide area network / edge cache / redundant data transmission
Jiantong Huo is a PhD candidate in the school of Computer Science and Technology, Beihang University, China. He received MS degree of College of Computer Science from Beihang University, China in 2012. His research focuses on distributed storage system, system security and computer network
Yaowen Xu is a PhD candidate in the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, China. He received MS degree of College of Computer Science from Beihang University, China in 2020. His research focuses on big storage system
Zhisheng Huo is an Assistant Professor of high performance computing center, College of Software, Beihang University, China. His research interests include big data storage and distributed storage system
Limin Xiao is a Professor in the school of Computer Science and Technology, Beihang University, China. His main research areas are computer architecture, computer system software, high performance computing, virtualization and cloud computing
Zhenxue He is currently a Full Associate Professor with Agricultural University of Hebei, China. His research interests include low power integrated circuit design and optimization, multiplevalued logic circuits and intelligent algorithm. He is a member of China Computer Federation
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