Scalable and quantitative contention generation for performance evaluation on OLTP databases

Chunxi ZHANG, Yuming LI, Rong ZHANG, Weining QIAN, Aoying ZHOU

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2) : 172202. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-022-1056-2

Scalable and quantitative contention generation for performance evaluation on OLTP databases

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Massive scale of transactions with critical requirements become popular for emerging businesses, especially in E-commerce. One of the most representative applications is the promotional event running on Alibaba’s platform on some special dates, widely expected by global customers. Although we have achieved significant progress in improving the scalability of transactional database systems (OLTP), the presence of contention operations in workloads is still one of the fundamental obstacles to performance improving. The reason is that the overhead of managing conflict transactions with concurrency control mechanisms is proportional to the amount of contentions. As a consequence, generating contented workloads is urgent to evaluate performance of modern OLTP database systems. Though we have kinds of standard benchmarks which provide some ways in simulating contentions, e.g., skew distribution control of transactions, they can not control the generation of contention quantitatively; even worse, the simulation effectiveness of these methods is affected by the scale of data. So in this paper we design a scalable quantitative contention generation method with fine contention granularity control. We conduct a comprehensive set of experiments on popular opensourced DBMSs compared with the latest contention simulation method to demonstrate the effectiveness of our generation work.

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high contention / OLTP database / performance evaluation / database benchmarking

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Chunxi ZHANG, Yuming LI, Rong ZHANG, Weining QIAN, Aoying ZHOU. Scalable and quantitative contention generation for performance evaluation on OLTP databases. Front. Comput. Sci., 2023, 17(2): 172202

Chunxi Zhang is a doctoral student of East China Normal University, China under the supervision of Prof. Rong Zhang. She received her bachelor degree in software engineering from Shandong University of Science and Technology, China in 2011. Her current research interest is performance evaluation of databases, including intensive workload generation, contention simulation and isolation validation

Yuming Li is a doctoral student of East China Normal University, China under the supervision of Profs. Aoying Zhou and Rong Zhang. He received his bachelor degree in computer science from Northeastern University, China in 2014. His research interests include applicationoriented database performance testing, automated database testing and distributed data management

Rong Zhang is a member of China Computer Federation. She received her PhD degree in computer science from Fudan University, China in 2007. She joined East China Normal University, China since 2011 and is currently a professor in the university. From 2007 to 2010, she worked as an expert researcher in NICT, Japan. Her current research interests include knowledge management, distributed data management and database benchmarking

Weining Qian is a professor and dean of the School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University, China. He received his MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Fudan University, China in 2001 and 2004, respectively. He is now serving as a standing committee member of Database Technology Committee of China Computer Federation, and committee member of ACM SIGMOD China Chapter. His research interests include scalable transaction processing, benchmarking big data systems, and management and analysis of massive datasets

Aoying Zhou is vice President of East China Normal University (ECNU), China, professor of School of Data Science and Engineering, and doctoral supervisor. Before joining ECNU in 2008, Aoying worked for Fudan University at the Computer Science Department for 15 years. He is now acting as a vicedirector of ACM SIGMOD China and Database Technology Committee of China Computer Federation. He is serving as a member of the editorial boards VLDB Journal, WWW Journal, and etc. His research interests include data management, in-memory cluster computing, big data benchmarking and performance optimization


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This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62072179), ECNU-OceanBase Joint Lab of Distributed Database System and 2020 the Key Software Adaptation and Verification Project (Database).


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