An approach for detecting LDoS attack based on cloud model
Wei SHI, Dan TANG, Sijia ZHAN, Zheng QIN, Xiyin WANG
An approach for detecting LDoS attack based on cloud model
Cybersecurity has always been the focus of Internet research. An LDoS attack is an intelligent type of DoS attack, which reduces the quality of network service by periodically sending high-speed but short-pulse attack traffic. Because of its concealment and low average rate, the traditional DoS attack detection methods are challenging to be effective. The existing LDoS attack detection methods generally have the problems of high FPR and FNR. A cloud model-based LDoS attack detection method is proposed, and a classifier based on SVM is used to train and classify the feature parameters. The detection method is verified and tested in the NS2 simulation platform and Test-bed network environment. Compared with the existing research results, the proposed method requires fewer samples, and it has lower FPR and FNR.
cybersecurity / LDoS attack / cloud model / SVM
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