Visual abstraction of dynamic network via improved multi-class blue noise sampling

Yanni PENG, Xiaoping FAN, Rong CHEN, Ziyao YU, Shi LIU, Yunpeng CHEN, Ying ZHAO, Fangfang ZHOU

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1) : 171701. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-021-0609-0
Image and Graphics

Visual abstraction of dynamic network via improved multi-class blue noise sampling

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Massive sequence view (MSV) is a classic timeline-based dynamic network visualization approach. However, it is vulnerable to visual clutter caused by overlapping edges, thereby leading to unexpected misunderstanding of time-varying trends of network communications. This study presents a new edge sampling algorithm called edge-based multi-class blue noise (E-MCBN) to reduce visual clutter in MSV. Our main idea is inspired by the multi-class blue noise (MCBN) sampling algorithm, commonly used in multi-class scatterplot decluttering. First, we take a node pair as an edge class, which can be regarded as an analogy to classes in multi-class scatterplots. Second, we propose two indicators, namely, class overlap and inter-class conflict degrees, to measure the overlapping degree and mutual exclusion, respectively, between edge classes. These indicators help construct the foundation of migrating the MCBN sampling from multi-class scatterplots to dynamic network samplings. Finally, we propose three strategies to accelerate MCBN sampling and a partitioning strategy to preserve local high-density edges in the MSV. The result shows that our approach can effectively reduce visual clutters and improve the readability of MSV. Moreover, our approach can also overcome the disadvantages of the MCBN sampling (i.e., long-running and failure to preserve local high-density communication areas in MSV). This study is the first that introduces MCBN sampling into a dynamic network sampling.

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dynamic network visualization / massive sequence view / multi-class blue noise sampling / visual abstraction

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Yanni PENG, Xiaoping FAN, Rong CHEN, Ziyao YU, Shi LIU, Yunpeng CHEN, Ying ZHAO, Fangfang ZHOU. Visual abstraction of dynamic network via improved multi-class blue noise sampling. Front. Comput. Sci., 2023, 17(1): 171701

Yanni Peng is currently pursuing the PhD degree with Central South University, China. Her research interests are visualization and visual analytics

Xiaoping Fan is a professor in Central South University, China. His main research interests include intelligent information processing, and analysis and application of financial big data

Rong Chen is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree with Central South University, China. Her research interests are data analysis and artificial intelligence

Ziyao Yu is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree with Central South University, China. Her research interests are visualization and data analysis

Shi Liu is currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree with Central South University, China. His research interests are visualization and data analysis

Yunpeng Chen is currently pursuing the PhD degree with Central South University, China. His research interests are visualization and visual analysis

Ying Zhao is a professor in Central South University, China. His main research interests include visualization and visual analytics

Fangfang Zhou is a professor in Central South University, China. Her research interests include visualization and visual analytics


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The work was supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFB1700403), the Special Funds for the Construction of an Innovative Province of Hunan (2020GK2028), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61872388, 62072470), and the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2020JJ4758).


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