(Full) Leakage resilience of Fiat-Shamir signatures over lattices
Yuejun LIU, Yongbin ZHOU, Rui ZHANG, Yang TAO
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5) : 165819.
(Full) Leakage resilience of Fiat-Shamir signatures over lattices
Fiat-Shamir is a mainstream construction paradigm of lattice-based signature schemes. While its theoretical security is well-studied, its implementation security in the presence of leakage is a relatively under-explored topic. Specifically, even some side-channel attacks on lattice-based Fiat-Shamir signature (FS-Sig) schemes have been proposed since 2016, little work on the leakage resilience of these schemes appears. Worse still, the proof idea of the leakage resilience of FS-Sig schemes based on traditional number-theoretic assumptions does not apply to most lattice-based FS-Sig schemes. For this, we propose a framework to construct fully leakage resilient lattice-based FS-Sig schemes in the bounded memory leakage (BML) model. The framework consists of two parts. The first part shows how to construct leakage resilient FS-Sig schemes in BML model from leakage resilient versions of non-lossy or lossy identification schemes, which can be instantiated based on lattice assumptions. The second part shows how to construct fully leakage resilient FS-Sig schemes based on leakage resilient ones together with a new property called state reconstruction. We show almost all lattice-based FS-Sig schemes have this property. As a concrete application of our fundamental framework, we apply it to existing lattice-based FS-Sig schemes and provide analysis results of their security in the leakage setting.
leakage resilience / lattice-based signatures / Fiat-Shamir paradigm / side-channel attacks / post-quantum cryptography
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