Multi-key FHE without ciphertext-expansion in two-server model

Bingbing JIANG

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1) : 161809. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-021-0479-5
Information Security

Multi-key FHE without ciphertext-expansion in two-server model

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López-Alt et al.(STOC12) put forward a primitive called multi-key fully homomorphic encryption (MKFHE), in which each involved party encrypts their own data using keys that are independently and randomly chosen whereby arbitrary computations can be performed on these encrypted data by a final collector. Subsequently, several superior schemes based on the standard assumption (LWE) were proposed. Most of these schemes were constructed by expanding a fresh GSW-ciphertext or BGV-ciphertext under a single key to a new sametype ciphertext of the same message under a combination of associated parties’ keys. Therefore, the new ciphertext’s size grew more or less linearly with an increase in the number of parties. In this paper, we proposed a novel and simple scheme of MKFHE based on LWE without increasing the size of the ciphertext in the two non-collusion server model. In other words, each party first independently shares their own data between two servers and each server only needs a one-round communication with another to construct a ciphertext of the same plaintext under a sum of associated parties’ keys. Our new ciphertext under multiple keys has the same size as that of the original one with only one-round communication between two servers. The communication complexity is O(kmlogq)-bit, where k is the number of input ciphertexts involved, m is the size of a GSW-ciphertext and q is a modulus. In conclusion, we proved that our scheme is CPA-secure against semi-honest adversaries.


multi-key FHE / secret sharing / secure computation

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Bingbing JIANG. Multi-key FHE without ciphertext-expansion in two-server model. Front. Comput. Sci., 2022, 16(1): 161809


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