A mobile edge computing-based applications execution framework for Internet of Vehicles
Libing WU, Rui ZHANG, Qingan LI, Chao MA, Xiaochuan SHI
A mobile edge computing-based applications execution framework for Internet of Vehicles
Mobile edge computing (MEC) is a promising technology for the Internet of Vehicles, especially in terms of application offloading and resource allocation. Most existing offloading schemes are sub-optimal, since these offloading strategies consider an application as a whole. In comparison, in this paper we propose an application-centric framework and build a finer-grained offloading scheme based on application partitioning. In our framework, each application is modelled as a directed acyclic graph, where each node represents a subtask and each edge represents the data flow dependency between a pair of subtasks. Both vehicles and MEC server within the communication range can be used as candidate offloading nodes. Then, the offloading involves assigning these computing nodes to subtasks. In addition, the proposed offloading scheme deal with the delay constraint of each subtask. The experimental evaluation show that, compared to existing non-partitioning offloading schemes, this proposed one effectively improves the performance of the application in terms of execution time and throughput.
mobile edge computing / application partition / directed acyclic graph / offloading / Internet of Vehicles
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