Monotonicity and nonmonotonicity in L3-valued propositional logic
Wei LI, Yuefei SUI
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 164315.
Monotonicity and nonmonotonicity in L3-valued propositional logic
A sequent is a pair which is true under an assignment if either some formula in is false, or some formula in is true. In -valued propositional logic, a multisequent is a triple which is true under an assignment if either some formula in has truth-value or some formula in has truth-value or some formula in has truth-value . There is a sound, complete and monotonic Gentzen deduction system for sequents. Dually, there is a sound, complete and nonmonotonic Gentzen deduction system for co-sequents By taking different quantifiers some or every, there are 8 kinds of definitions of validity of multisequent and 8 kinds of definitions of validity of co-multisequent and correspondingly there are 8 sound and complete Gentzen deduction systems for sequents and 8 sound and complete Gentzen deduction systems for co-sequents. Correspondingly their monotonicity is discussed.
sequent / multisequent / gentzen deduction system / monotonicity / nonmonotonicity
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