GridNet: efficiently learning deep hierarchical representation for 3D point cloud understanding
Huiqun WANG, Di HUANG, Yunhong WANG
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1) : 161301.
GridNet: efficiently learning deep hierarchical representation for 3D point cloud understanding
In this paper, we propose a novel and effective approach, namely GridNet, to hierarchically learn deep representation of 3D point clouds. It incorporates the ability of regular holistic description and fast data processing in a single framework, which is able to abstract powerful features progressively in an efficient way.Moreover, to capture more accurate internal geometry attributes, anchors are inferred within local neighborhoods, in contrast to the fixed or the sampled ones used in existing methods, and the learned features are thus more representative and discriminative to local point distribution. GridNet delivers very competitive results compared with the state of the art methods in both the object classification and segmentation tasks.
3D point clouds / deep representations
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