Document structure model for survey generation using neural network

Huiyan XU, Zhongqing WANG, Yifei ZHANG, Xiaolan WENG, Zhijian WANG, Guodong ZHOU

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 154325. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-020-9366-8

Document structure model for survey generation using neural network

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Survey generation aims to generate a summary from a scientific topic based on related papers. The structure of papers deeply influences the generative process of survey, especially the relationships between sentence and sentence, paragraph and paragraph. In principle, the structure of paper can influence the quality of the summary. Therefore, we employ the structure of paper to leverage contextual information among sentences in paragraphs to generate a survey for documents. In particular, we present a neural document structure model for survey generation.We take paragraphs as units, and model sentences in paragraphs, we then employ a hierarchical model to learn structure among sentences, which can be used to select important and informative sentences to generate survey. We evaluate our model on scientific document data set. The experimental results show that our model is effective, and the generated survey is informative and readable.


survey generation / contextual information / document structure

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Huiyan XU, Zhongqing WANG, Yifei ZHANG, Xiaolan WENG, Zhijian WANG, Guodong ZHOU. Document structure model for survey generation using neural network. Front. Comput. Sci., 2021, 15(4): 154325


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