Fine-grained management of I/O optimizations based on workload characteristics
Bing WEI, Limin XIAO, Bingyu ZHOU, Guangjun QIN, Baicheng YAN, Zhisheng HUO
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3) : 153102.
Fine-grained management of I/O optimizations based on workload characteristics
With the advent of new computing paradigms, parallel file systems serve not only traditional scientific computing applications but also non-scientific computing applications, such as financial computing, business, and public administration. Parallel file systems provide storage services for multiple applications. As a result, various requirements need to be met. However, parallel file systems usually provide a unified storage solution, which cannot meet specific application needs. In this paper, an extended file handle scheme is proposed to deal with this problem. The original file handle is extended to record I/O optimization information, which allows file systems to specify optimizations for a file or directory based on workload characteristics. Therefore, fine-grained management of I/O optimizations can be achieved. On the basis of the extended file handle scheme, data prefetching and small file optimization mechanisms are proposed for parallel file systems. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the aggregate throughput of the overall system by up to 189.75%.
parallel file systems / workload characteristics / extended file handle / data prefetching / small files
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