Optimal location query based on k nearest neighbours
Yubao LIU, Zitong CHEN, AdaWai-Chee FU, Raymond Chi-Wing WONG, Genan DAI
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2) : 152606.
Optimal location query based on k nearest neighbours
Optimal location query in road networks is a basic operation in the location intelligence applications. Given a set of clients and servers on a road network, the purpose of optimal location query is to obtain a location for a new server, so that a certain objective function calculated based on the locations of clients and servers is optimal. Existing works assume no labels for servers and that a client only visits the nearest server. These assumptions are not realistic and it renders the existing work not useful in many cases. In this paper, we relax these assumptions and consider the k nearest neighbours (KNN) of clients. We introduce the problem of KNN-based optimal location query (KOLQ) which considers the k nearest servers of clients and labeled servers. We also introduce a variant problem called relocation KOLQ (RKOLQ) which aims at relocating an existing server to an optimal location. Two main analysis algorithms are proposed for these problems. Extensive experiments on the real road networks illustrate the efficiency of our proposed solutions.
optimal location query / k nearest neighbours / road network
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