Properties of the satisfiability threshold of the strictly d-regular random (3, 2s)-SAT problem

Yongping WANG, Daoyun XU

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6) : 146404. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-020-9248-0

Properties of the satisfiability threshold of the strictly d-regular random (3, 2s)-SAT problem

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A k-CNF (conjunctive normal form) formula is a regular (k, s)-CNF one if every variable occurs s times in the formula, where k≥2 and s>0 are integers. Regular (3, s)- CNF formulas have some good structural properties, so carrying out a probability analysis of the structure for random formulas of this type is easier than conducting such an analysis for random 3-CNF formulas. Some subclasses of the regular (3, s)-CNF formula have also characteristics of intractability that differ from random 3-CNF formulas. For this purpose, we propose strictly d-regular (k, 2s)-CNF formula, which is a regular (k, 2s)-CNF formula for which d≥0 is an even number and each literal occurs sd2 or s+d2 times (the literals from a variable x are x and ¬x, where x is positive and ¬x is negative). In this paper, we present a new model to generate strictly d-regular random (k, 2s)-CNF formulas, and focus on the strictly d-regular random (3, 2s)-CNF formulas. Let F be a strictly d-regular random (3, 2s)-CNF formula such that 2s>d. We show that there exists a real number s0 such that the formula F is unsatisfiable with high probability when s>s0, and present a numerical solution for the real number s0. The result is supported by simulated experiments, and is consistent with the existing conclusion for the case of d= 0. Furthermore, we have a conjecture: for a given d, the strictly d-regular random (3, 2s)-SAT problem has an SAT-UNSAT (satisfiable-unsatisfiable) phase transition. Our experiments support this conjecture. Finally, our experiments also show that the parameter d is correlated with the intractability of the 3-SAT problem. Therefore, our research maybe helpful for generating random hard instances of the 3-CNF formula.


satisfiability problem / SAT-UNSAT phase transition / generating random hard instances

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Yongping WANG, Daoyun XU. Properties of the satisfiability threshold of the strictly d-regular random (3, 2s)-SAT problem. Front. Comput. Sci., 2020, 14(6): 146404


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