Return just your search: privacy-preserving homoglyph search for arbitrary languages

Bowen ZHAO, Shaohua TANG, Ximeng LIU, Yiming WU

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2) : 162801. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-020-0102-1
Information Security

Return just your search: privacy-preserving homoglyph search for arbitrary languages

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Searchable encryption is an effective way to ensure the security and availability of encrypted outsourced cloud data. Among existing solutions, the keyword exact search solution is relatively inflexible, while the fuzzy keyword search solution either has a high index overhead or suffers from the false-positive. Furthermore, no existing fuzzy keyword search solution considers the homoglyph search on encrypted data. In this paper, we propose an efficient privacy-preserving homoglyph search scheme supporting arbitrary languages (POSA, in short). We enhance the performance of the fuzzy keyword search in three aspects. Firstly, we formulate the similarity of homoglyph and propose a privacy-preserving homoglyph search. Secondly, we put forward an index build mechanism without the false-positive, which reduces the storage overhead of the index and is suitable for arbitrary languages. Thirdly, POSA returns just the user’s search, i.e., all returned documents contain the search keyword or its homoglyph. The theoretical analysis and experimental evaluations on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of POSA.

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searchable encryption / cloud storage / fuzzy search / privacy preservation / arbitrary languages

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Bowen ZHAO, Shaohua TANG, Ximeng LIU, Yiming WU. Return just your search: privacy-preserving homoglyph search for arbitrary languages. Front. Comput. Sci., 2022, 16(2): 162801


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The authors thank the editor-in-chief, associate editor and reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. Moreover, Bowen Zhao would especially like to thank professor Shaohua Tang, the late doctoral supervisor, for his guidance and help. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1804263 and 61702105).


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