Analyzing time-dimension communication characterizations for representative scientific applications on supercomputer systems

Juan CHEN, Wenhao ZHOU, Yong DONG, Zhiyuan WANG, Chen CUI, Feihao WU, Enqiang ZHOU, Yuhua TANG

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (6) : 1228-1242. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-018-7239-1

Analyzing time-dimension communication characterizations for representative scientific applications on supercomputer systems

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Exascale computing is one of the major challenges of this decade, and several studies have shown that communications are becoming one of the bottlenecks for scaling parallel applications. The analysis on the characteristics of communications can effectively aid to improve the performance of scientific applications. In this paper, we focus on the statistical regularity in time-dimension communication characteristics for representative scientific applications on supercomputer systems, and then prove that the distribution of communication-event intervals has a power-law decay, which is common in scientific interests and human activities. We verify the distribution of communication-event intervals has really a power-lawdecay on the Tianhe-2 supercomputer, and also on the other six parallel systems with three different network topologies and two routing policies. In order to do a quantitative study on the power-law distribution, we exploit two groups of statistics: bursty vs. memory and periodicity vs. dispersion. Our results indicate that the communication events show a “strong-bursty and weak-memory” characteristic and the communication event intervals show the periodicity and the dispersion. Finally, our research provides an insight into the relationship between communication optimizations and time-dimension communication characteristics.


power-law distributions / supercomputer systems / time-dimension communication characteristics / Tianhe-2

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Juan CHEN, Wenhao ZHOU, Yong DONG, Zhiyuan WANG, Chen CUI, Feihao WU, Enqiang ZHOU, Yuhua TANG. Analyzing time-dimension communication characterizations for representative scientific applications on supercomputer systems. Front. Comput. Sci., 2019, 13(6): 1228‒1242


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