A verification framework for spatio-temporal consistency language with CCSL as a specification language
Yuanrui ZHANG, Frédéric MALLET, Yixiang CHEN
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1) : 105-129.
A verification framework for spatio-temporal consistency language with CCSL as a specification language
The Spatio-Temporal Consistency Language (STeC) is a high-level modeling language that deals natively with spatio-temporal behaviour, i.e., behaviour relating to certain locations and time. Such restriction by both locations and time is of first importance for some types of real-time systems. CCSL is a formal specification language based on logical clocks. It is used to describe some crucial safety properties for real-time systems, due to its powerful expressiveness of logical and chronometric time constraints. We consider a novel verification framework combining STeC and CCSL, with the advantages of addressing spatio-temporal consistency of system behaviour and easily expressing some crucial time constraints. We propose a theory combining these two languages and a method verifying CCSL properties in STeC models. We adopt UPPAAL as the model checking tool and give a simple example to illustrate how to carry out verification in our framework.
spatio-temporal consistency / real-time systems / spatio-temporal systems / high-level modelling language / clock constraint specification / model checking / verification framework
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