Joint salient object detection and existence prediction

Huaizu JIANG, Ming-Ming CHENG, Shi-Jie LI, Ali BORJI, Jingdong WANG

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4) : 778-788. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-017-6613-8

Joint salient object detection and existence prediction

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Recent advances in supervised salient object detection modeling has resulted in significant performance improvements on benchmark datasets. However, most of the existing salient object detection models assume that at least one salient object exists in the input image. Such an assumption often leads to less appealing saliencymaps on the background images with no salient object at all. Therefore, handling those cases can reduce the false positive rate of a model. In this paper, we propose a supervised learning approach for jointly addressing the salient object detection and existence prediction problems. Given a set of background-only images and images with salient objects, as well as their salient object annotations, we adopt the structural SVM framework and formulate the two problems jointly in a single integrated objective function: saliency labels of superpixels are involved in a classification term conditioned on the salient object existence variable, which in turn depends on both global image and regional saliency features and saliency labels assignments. The loss function also considers both image-level and regionlevel mis-classifications. Extensive evaluation on benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed joint approach compared to the baseline and state-of-the-art models.


salient object detection / existence prediction / joint inference / saliency detection

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Huaizu JIANG, Ming-Ming CHENG, Shi-Jie LI, Ali BORJI, Jingdong WANG. Joint salient object detection and existence prediction. Front. Comput. Sci., 2019, 13(4): 778‒788


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