From one to crowd: a survey on crowdsourcing-based wireless indoor localization
Xiaolei ZHOU, Tao CHEN, Deke GUO, Xiaoqiang TENG, Bo YUAN
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3) : 423-450.
From one to crowd: a survey on crowdsourcing-based wireless indoor localization
Wireless indoor localization has attracted growing research interest in the mobile computing community for the last decade. Various available indoor signals, including radio frequency, ambient, visual, and motion signals, are extensively exploited for location estimation in indoor environments. The physical measurements of these signals, however, are still limited by both the resolution of devices and the spatial-temporal variability of the signals. One type of noisy signal complemented by another type of signal can benefit the wireless indoor localization in many ways, since these signals are related in their physics and independent in noise. In this article, we survey the new trend of integrating multiple chaotic signals to facilitate the creation of a crowdsourced localization system. Specifically, we first present a three-layer framework for crowdsourcing-based indoor localization by integratingmultiple signals, and illustrate the basic methodology for making use of the available signals. Next, we study the mainstream signals involved in indoor localization approaches in terms of their characteristics and typical usages. Furthermore, considering multiple different outputs from different signals, we present significant insights to integrate them together, to achieve localizability in different scenarios.
Wireless indoor localization / crowdsourcing system / crowdsensing
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