Optimal bundles for sponsored search auctions via bracketing scheme
Zheng-Dong XIA, Tian-Ming BU, Wen-Hui GONG
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2) : 333-342.
Optimal bundles for sponsored search auctions via bracketing scheme
Sponsored search auction has been recently studied and auctioneer’s revenue is an important consideration in probabilistic single-item second-price auctions. Some papers have analyzed the revenue maximization problem on different methods to bundle contexts. In this paper, we propose a more flexible and natural method which is called the bracketing method. We prove that finding a bracketing scheme that maximizes the auctioneer’s revenue is strongly NP-hard. Then, a heuristic algorithm is given. Experiments on three test cases show that the revenue of the optimal bracketing scheme is very close to the optimal revenue without any bundling constraint, and the heuristic algorithm performs very well. Finally, we consider a simpler model that for each row in the valuation matrix, the non-zero cells have the same value. We prove that the revenue maximization problem with K-anonymous signaling scheme and cardinality constrained signaling scheme in this simpler model are both NP-hard.
sponsored search auction / revenue maximization / bracketing scheme / NP-hardness
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