Big graph search: challenges and techniques

Shuai MA, Jia LI, Chunming HU, Xuelian LIN, Jinpeng HUAI

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11704-015-4515-1

Big graph search: challenges and techniques

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On one hand, compared with traditional relational and XML models, graphs have more expressive power and are widely used today. On the other hand, various applications of social computing trigger the pressing need of a new search paradigm. In this article, we argue that big graph search is the one filling this gap. We first introduce the application of graph search in various scenarios. We then formalize the graph search problem, and give an analysis of graph search from an evolutionary point of view, followed by the evidences from both the industry and academia. After that, we analyze the difficulties and challenges of big graph search. Finally, we present three classes of techniques towards big graph search: query techniques, data techniques and distributed computing techniques.


graph search / big data / query techniques / data techniques / distributed computing

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Shuai MA, Jia LI, Chunming HU, Xuelian LIN, Jinpeng HUAI. Big graph search: challenges and techniques. Front. Comput. Sci.,


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