FSPM-P: towards a general functional-structural plant model for robust and comprehensive model development
Michael HENKE, Winfried KURTH, Gerhard H. BUCK-SORLIN
FSPM-P: towards a general functional-structural plant model for robust and comprehensive model development
In the last decade, functional-structural plant modelling (FSPM) has become a more widely accepted paradigm in crop and tree production, as 3D models for the most important crops have been proposed. Given the wider portfolio of available models, it is now appropriate to enter the next level in FSPM development, by introducing more efficient methods for model development. This includes the consideration of model reuse (by modularisation), combination and comparison, and the enhancement of existing models. To facilitate this process, standards for design and communication need to be defined and established. We present a first step towards an efficient and general, i.e., not speciesspecific FSPM, presently restricted to annual or bi-annual plants, but with the potential for extension and further generalization.
Model structure is hierarchical and object-oriented, with plant organs being the base-level objects and plant individual and canopy the higher-level objects. Modules for the majority of physiological processes are incorporated, more than in other platforms that have a similar aim (e.g., photosynthesis, organ formation and growth). Simulation runs with several general parameter sets adopted from the literature show that the present prototypewas able to reproduce a plausible output range for different crops (rapeseed, barley, etc.) in terms of both the dynamics and final values (at harvest time) of model state variables such as assimilate production, organ biomass, leaf area and architecture.
functional-structural plant model / prototyping / modelling standards / teaching / learning FSPM / GroIMP
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