An institution theory of formal meta-modelling in graphically extended BNF

Hong ZHU

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11704-012-2902-4

An institution theory of formal meta-modelling in graphically extended BNF

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Meta-modelling plays an important role in model driven software development. In this paper, a graphic extension of BNF (GEBNF) is proposed to define the abstract syntax of graphic modelling languages. From a GEBNF syntax definition, a formal predicate logic language can be induced so that meta-modelling can be performed formally by specifying a predicate on the domain of syntactically valid models. In this paper, we investigate the theoretical foundation of this meta-modelling approach. We formally define the semantics of GEBNF and its induced predicate logic languages, then apply Goguen and Burstall’s institution theory to prove that they form a sound and valid formal specification language for meta-modelling.


meta-modelling / modelling languages / abstract syntax / semantics / graphic extension of BNF (GEBNF) / formal logic / institution

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Hong ZHU. An institution theory of formal meta-modelling in graphically extended BNF. Front Comput Sci,


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