Efficient ID-based proxy multi-signature scheme secure in random oracle
Rajeev Anand SAHU, Sahadeo PADHYE
Efficient ID-based proxy multi-signature scheme secure in random oracle
Proxy signature schemes enable an entity to delegate its signing rights to any other party, called proxy signer. As a variant of proxy signature primitive, proxymultisignature allows a group of original signers to delegate their signing capabilities to a single proxy signer in such a way that the proxy signer can sign a message on behalf of the group of original signers. We propose a concrete ID-based proxy multi-signature scheme from bilinear pairings. The proposed scheme is existential unforgeable against adaptively chosen message and given ID-attack in random oracle model under the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption. The fascinating property of new scheme is that the size of a proxy multi-signature is independent of the number of original signers. Furthermore the proposed scheme is simple and computationally more efficient than other ID-based proxy multisignature schemes.
ID-based signature scheme / bilinear pairings / proxy multi-signature / computational Diffie-Hellman problem (CDHP) / random oracle
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