Hybrid MARTE statecharts
Jing LIU, Ziwei LIU, Jifeng HE, Frédéric MALLET, Zuohua DING
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2013, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 95-108.
Hybrid MARTE statecharts
The specification of modeling and analysis of real-time and embedded systems (MARTE) is an extension of the unified modeling language (UML) in the domain of real-time and embedded systems. Even though MARTE time model offers a support to describe both discrete and dense clocks, the biggest effort has been put so far on the specification and analysis of discrete MARTE models. To address hybrid real-time and embedded systems, we propose to extend statecharts using both MARTE and the theory of hybrid automata. We call this extension hybrid MARTE statecharts. It provides an improvement over the hybrid automata in that: the logical time variables and the chronometric time variables are unified. The formal syntax and semantics of hybrid MARTE statecharts are given based on labeled transition systems and live transition systems. As a case study, we model the behavior of a train control system with hybrid MARTE statecharts to demonstrate the benefit.
UML / MARTE / hybrid automata / hybrid MARTE statechart / train control system
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