Identifying different community members in complex networks based on topology potential
Yanni HAN, Deyi LI, Teng WANG
Identifying different community members in complex networks based on topology potential
There has been considerable interest in designing algorithms for detecting community structure in real-world complex networks. A majority of these algorithms assume that communities are disjoint, placing each vertex in only one cluster. However, in nature, it is a matter of common experience that communities often overlap and members often play multiple roles in a network topology. To further investigate these properties of overlapping communities and heterogeneity within the network topology, a new method is proposed to divide networks into separate communities by spreading outward from each local important element and extracting its neighbors within the same group in each spreading operation. When compared with the state of the art, our new algorithm can not only classify different types of nodes at a more fine-grained scale successfully but also detect community structure more effectively. We also evaluate our algorithm using the standard data sets. Our results show that it performed well not only in the efficiency of algorithm, but also with a higher accuracy of partition results.
complex network / community structure / topology potential / overlapping nodes
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