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Quantum probabilistically cloning and computation
- GAO Ting1, YAN Fengli2, LI Youcheng2, WANG Zhixi3
Author information
1.College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei Normal University; 2.College of Physics Science and Information Engineering, Hebei Normal University; 3.College of Mathematics, Capital Normal University
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Published |
05 Jun 2008 |
Issue Date |
05 Jun 2008 |
In this article we make a review on the usefulness of probabilistically cloning and present examples of quantum computation tasks for which quantum cloning offers an advantage which cannot be matched by any approach that does not resort to it. In these quantum computations, one needs to distribute quantum information contained in states about which we have some partial information. To perform quantum computations, one uses state-dependent probabilistic quantum cloning procedure to distribute quantum information in the middle of a quantum computation. And we discuss the achievable efficiencies and the efficient quantum logic network for probabilistic cloning the quantum states used in implementing quantum computation tasks for which cloning provides enhancement in performance.
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