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Human factors in continuous time-concerned cooperative
systems represented by Σ-labeled
- MIZUTANI Tetsuya1, IGARASHI Shigeru1, SHIO Masayuki2, IKEDA Yasuwo3
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1.Department of Computer Science, University of Tsukuba; 2.College of Community Development, Tokiwa University; 3.Department of Computer & Media Science, Saitama Junior College;
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Published |
05 Mar 2008 |
Issue Date |
05 Mar 2008 |
N?-labeled calculus is a generalization of N-labeled calculus so as to describe time-concerned recognition, knowledge, belief and decision of humans or computer programs together with related external physical or logical phenomena. N-labeled calculus is the smallest formal system applicable to verification and analysis of cooperative real-timing systems on natural number time introduced as an adaptation of tense arithmetic (TA). A merging problem of vehicles with misunderstanding or incorrect recognition is discussed as an example of cooperating systems controlling continuously changing objects including human factor. Euler’s approximation is introduced in order to represent the continuously changing objects. Through this example, relationship among artificial intelligence, external environment and human factors is investigated.
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