Basic research in computer science and software engineering at SKLCS

ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Wenhui, ZHAN Naijun, SHEN Yidong, CHEN Haiming, ZHANG Yunquan, WANG Yongji, WU Enhua, WANG Hongan, ZHU Xueyang

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1) : 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-008-0001-3

Basic research in computer science and software engineering at SKLCS

  • ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Wenhui, ZHAN Naijun, SHEN Yidong, CHEN Haiming, ZHANG Yunquan, WANG Yongji, WU Enhua, WANG Hongan, ZHU Xueyang
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The State Key Laboratory of Computer Science (SKLCS) is committed to basic research in computer science and software engineering. The research topics of the laboratory include: concurrency theory, theory and algorithms for real-time systems, formal specifications based on context-free grammars, semantics of programming languages, model checking, automated reasoning, logic programming, software testing, software process improvement, middleware technology, parallel algorithms and parallel software, computer graphics and human-computer interaction. This paper describes these topics in some detail and summarizes some results obtained in recent years.

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ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Wenhui, ZHAN Naijun, SHEN Yidong, CHEN Haiming, ZHANG Yunquan, WANG Yongji, WU Enhua, WANG Hongan, ZHU Xueyang. Basic research in computer science and software engineering at SKLCS. Front. Comput. Sci., 2008, 2(1): 1‒11


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