An improved algorithm for gray image representation using non-symmetry and anti-packing model with triangles and rectangles

ZHENG Yunping1, CHEN Chuanbo1, SAREM Mudar2

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Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4) : 431-437. DOI: 10.1007/S11704-008-0036-5

An improved algorithm for gray image representation using non-symmetry and anti-packing model with triangles and rectangles

  • ZHENG Yunping1, CHEN Chuanbo1, SAREM Mudar2
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Although the triangle non-symmetry and anti-packing model (TNAM) representation for gray images is an effective image representation method, there is still much space left for optimization. In this paper, inspired by the optimization idea of the packing problem, we proposed an improved algorithm for gray image representation using the non-symmetry and anti-packing model with triangles and rectangles (NAMTR). By comparing the representation algorithm of the NAMTR with those of the TNAM and the popular linear quadtree, theoretical and experimental results presented in this paper show that the former can greatly reduce the number of sub-patterns or nodes and simultaneously save the data storage much more effectively than the latter, and therefore it is a better method to represent gray images. Representation method of the NAMTR, as envisaged in this paper, shows a very strong promise, and it is valuable for further theoretical research and potential business foreground, such as reducing storage space, increasing transmission speed and improving pattern match efficiency.

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ZHENG Yunping, CHEN Chuanbo, SAREM Mudar. An improved algorithm for gray image representation using non-symmetry and anti-packing model with triangles and rectangles. Front. Comput. Sci., 2008, 2(4): 431‒437


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