Editorial board


Prof. Dr. Changxi Ma 

School of Traffic and Transportation, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China.

Interests: Hazardous materials transportation safety; Transportation system optimization

Prof. Dr. Jianjun Wu

School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, China.

Interests: Intelligent transportation system; Integrated transportation big data; Digital transportation; Intelligent operation

Prof. Dr. Ciro Caliendo

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy.

Interests: Transportation engineering; Risk analysis; Road and tunnel safety; models and methods for accident analysis

Executive Editor

Dr. Xuecai Xu

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

Interests: Transportation safety; ITS

Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Ziyou Gao

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Urban traffic management; Management and optimization of urban rail transit; The complexity of transportation networks

Prof. Dr. Haijun Huang

Beihang University, China

Interests: Road traffic flow models; Transport network modeling; Travel behavior analysis and congested road-use pricing.

Prof. Dr. Der-Horng Lee 

Zhejiang University, China; National University of Singapore, Singapore

Interests: Intelligent transportation systems; Transportation planning; Transportation policy

Prof. Dr. Haijun Li

Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Transportation planning and management

Prof. Dr. Sze-Chun Wong

University of Hong Kong, China

Interests: Optimization of traffic signal settings; Continuum modeling for traffic equilibrium problems

Prof. Dr. Hai Yang

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

Interests: Analysis, modeling and optimization of transportation systems and transportation economics

Prof. Dr. Junyi Zhang

Hiroshima University, Japan

Interests: Urban and regional planning; Transportation planning; Traffic engineering; Environment and energy policies; Tourism policy

Senior Associate Editors

Prof. Dr. Xiqun (Michael) Chen 

Zhejiang University, China

Interests: Shared mobility on demand; Simulation-based optimization; Transportation big data analytics; Intelligent transportation systems

Prof. Dr. Chunjiao Dong

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Traffic safety; Traffic planning

Prof. Dr. Wei Fan

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Interests: Big data analytics for transportation

Prof. Dr. Yanjun Huang

Tongji University, China

Interests: Autonomous Vehicle and AI

Prof. Dr. Shukai Li

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Railway traffic management and control

Prof. Dr. Zhibin Li

Southeast University, China

Interests: Intelligent transportation systems

Prof. Dr. Jiancheng Long

Hefei University of Technology, China

Interests: Transportation Network Modeling

Prof. Dr. Xiaolei Ma

Beihang University, China

Interests: Public Transit Planning and Operation; Transportation Automation and Electrification; Transportation Big Data Analytics.

Prof. Dr. Richard Tay

RMIT University, Australia

Interests: Transport Economics; Transportation Engineering

Prof. Dr. Junfang Tian

Tianjin University, China

Interests: Traffic flow

Prof. Dr. Heng Wei

University of Cincinnati, USA

Interests: ITS; Transportation engineering

Prof. Dr. Chengcheng Xu

Southeast University, China

Interests: Transportation engineering

Prof. Dr. Bin Yu

Beihang University, China

Interests: Urban public transport

Prof. Dr. Jing Zhao

Shanghai University of Technology, China

Interests: Traffic control and management

Prof. Dr. Ning Zhu

Tianjin University, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation System; Operations Research; Decision Making under Uncertainty

Associate Editors

Prof. Dr. Yiming Bie

Jilin University, China

Interests: Transit operation

Dr. Mengqiu Cao

University of Westminster, U.K.

Interests: Transport planning; Sustainable transport development; Transport and climate change

Prof. Dr. Feng Chen

Tongji University, China

Interests: Traffic safety

Prof. Dr. Rongjun Cheng

Ningbo University, China

Interests: Traffic flow modelling and simulation; Connected and automated platoon; Mixed traffic flow;

Prof. Dr. Bo (Bobby) Du

Griffith University, Australia

Interests: Transport Network Modelling and Optimization; Integrated Planning and Cooperative Operation of Multimodal Transport System

Prof. Dr. Huimin Ge

Jiangsu University, China

Interests: Driving behavior; Traffic safety

Prof. Dr. Siyuan Gong

Chang’an University, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation System

Prof. Dr. Qianwen Guo

Florida International University, USA

Interests: Transportation systems optimization problems

Prof. Dr. Yanyong Guo

Southeast University, China

Interests: Traffic safety; traffic conflict technology; advanced crash modeling techniques; CAV safety

Prof. Dr. Tao Feng

Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland

Interests: Decision making analysis in urban environment; Dynamic models; Behaviour change and data-driven technology in urban and transportation planning

Prof. Dr. Zhongxiang Feng

Hefei University of Technology, China

Interests: Traffic safety

Prof. Dr. Ting Fu

Tongji University, China

Interests: Traffic Safety; Traffic Risk Analysis; Surrogate Safety Measures

Prof. Dr. Hongfei Jia

Jilin University, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation System

Dr. Angela Kitali

University of Washington, USA

Interests: Using real-time data and applying data-driven

Dr. Boniphace Kutela

Texas A& M Transportation Institute, USA

Interests: Traffic Operations and Safety; Automated Vehicles; Shared Mobility; Machine Learning

Dr. Emmanuel Kidando

Cleveland State University, USA

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems; Autonomous and Connected Vehicles Technology

Dr. Jiangchen Li

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Interests: Connected and automated traffic flow; Intelligent transportation systems for road and air traffics

Dr. Jun Liu

The University of Alabama, USA

Interests: Computational intelligence; Data science,

Prof. Dr. Pengfei Liu

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Interests: Asphalt and concrete pavement design; Numerical simulation with ABAQUS; Programming using finite element method

Dr. Chen Lyu

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Interests: Automated Driving; Human-Machine Interaction; Intelligent Electric Vehicles

Prof. Dr. Nengchao Lyu

Wuhan University of Technology, China

Interests: Intelligent and connected vehicle; Driving behavior; Traffic Safety

Dr. Yonggui Liu

South China University of Technology, China

Interests: Cooperation control of unmanned intelligent vehicles; Traffic big data; Unmanned driving; Networked control systems and application to intelligent traffic systems

Dr. Jiaqi Ma

University of California, USA

Interests: Connected and automated vehicles; Cyber-physical transportation systems; Transportation systems resilience

Prof. Dr. Yongfeng Ma

Southeast University, China

Interests: Traffic safety; Driving behavior; Intelligent connected vehicle

Dr. Meng Meng

University of Bath, Bath, England

Interests: Sustainable transportation planning; Travel behaviour analysis; Network modelling and logistics management

Prof. Dr. Fuquan Pan

Qingdao University of Technology, China

Interests: Traffic safety; Transportation intelligent systems

Dr. Jieyu Fan

ULM University, Germany

Interests: Traffic emissions; Traffic simulation; Transportation Engineering

Dr. Claire Papaix

Montpellier Business School, France

Interests: Sustainable urban mobility; Sustainable policy implementation; Wellbeing appraisal; Community engagement; Citizen science

Prof. Dr. Jinxing Shen

Hohai University, China

Interests: Traffic Safety; Accident Severity Analysis; Bus system optimization; Traffic pollution control

Dr. Jun Shen

University of Wollongong, Australia

Interests: Computational intelligence; Data science,

Dr. Željko Šarić

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Interests: Safety analysis of transport network; Accident analysis and injury prevention

Dr. Tony Sze

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Interests: Traffic safety; Injury prevention; Driver behavior; Transport policy; Statistical models and data analytics

Dr. Jinjun Tang

Central South University, China

Interests: Traffic flow prediction; Deep learning; Traffic flow modeling

Prof. Dr. Chen Wang

Southeast University, China

Interests: Traffic safety; Intelligent transportation system

Dr. Pengfei Wang

Yanshan University, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Prof. Dr. Tao Wang

Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Prof. Dr. Xiaoyuan Wang

Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China

Interests: Traffic behavior & security; Driving behavior

Prof. Dr. Jiancheng Weng

Beijing University of Technology, China

Interests: Multi-mode travel behavior; Transportation big data; Public Transit optimization

Dr. Valerian Kwigizile

Western Michigan University, USA

Interests: Motorized and non-motorized traffic safety; Simulation and operations

Dr. Wei Wu

Changsha University of Technology, China

Interests: Intelligent transportation; Automatic driving; Public transportation; Traffic network analysis

Prof. Dr. Weitiao Wu

South China University of Technology, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dr. Jie Xu

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Transportation planning and management; Traffic Control and Safety

Prof. Dr. Jin Xu

Chongqing Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Road geometry design; Interchange; Driving behaviour; Traffic safety

Dr. Hai Yan

Beijing University of Technology, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dr. Hongtai Yang

Southwest Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Transport geography; Travel behavior; Big data analytics

Dr. Tianren Yang

The University of Hong Kong, China

Interests: Urban analytics and modelling; Urban spatial structure and travel; Planning support systems for decision-making

Prof. Dr. Xin Yang

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Urban rail transit; Transportation data analysis; Transportation optimization

Dr. Yang Yang

Beihang University, China

Interests: Traffic safety; Sustainable transportation; Intelligent transport system; Transportation planning

Prof. Dr. Rongjie Yu

Tongji University, China

Interests: Traffic Safety; Driving Behavior; Freeway Operation; Automated Vehicle Testing

Dr. Quan Yuan

Tsinghua University, China

Interests: Traffic safety and accident analysis; ITS and intelligent vehicles; Human factor engineering

Dr. Jie Zhang

University of Bristol, England

Interests: Transportation Management; Supply Chain Management; Social Network Modelling; Digital Twin

Dr. Qiang Zeng

South China University of Technology, China

Interests: Traffic safety

Prof. Dr. Jianfeng Zheng

Dalian Maritime University, China

Interests: Liner Shipping; Port Operations; Hub Location; Liner Shipping Network Design; Ship Scheduling; Berth Allocation

Prof. Dr. Liang Zheng

Central South University, China

Interests: Traffic theory; Transportation system

Prof. Dr. Yujun Zheng

Hangzhou Normal University, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Editorial Members

Dr. Yinying He

Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Mobility as a Service; Mobility system and innovative mobility services; Smart city

Dr. Zehao Jiang

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Interests: Traffic design; Connected and autonomous vehicle

Dr. Isidoro Russo

University of Salerno, Italy

Interests: Statistical analysis of accidents; Fire safety in confined spaces

Dr. Wenlong Shang

Beijing University of Technology, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dr. Yuanyuan Wu

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Interests: Reinforcement learning; Autonomous vehicles; Traffic optimization

Dr. Zhuye Xu

Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dr. Yu Zhou

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Interests: Operations & Management in Public Transit System; Future mobility

Dr. Jiazhu Zhou

ETH Singapore Research Center, Singapore

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dr. Siying Zhu

Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Dr. Chuwei Shi

Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China

Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems; Logistics System Optimization

Pubdate: 2024-04-24    Viewed: 284