Aims & scope

Clinical and Translational Discovery aims at being the world-leading communication channel of science related to gene and protein-based structure and function, regulation and editing, detection and diagnosis, analysis and intelligence, imaging and therapy, and ethics and regulations.


Clinical and Translational Discovery is a journal covering all aspects on clinical and translational medicine-associated discovery and development to publish the high-quality, peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, and short communications. Clinical and Translational Discovery covers topics dedicated to the interaction and intercommunication between cells, genes, proteins, transcriptional networks, genome constructions, structures, functions, and regulations; and to the advance of gene- and protein-based editing, detection, diagnosis, analysis, intelligence, imaging, therapy, and ethics. The journal focuses on the early phase of bench to bedside approach, favoring studies and clinical observations which generate hypotheses and questions relevant to the patient and disease, and guide the investigations of clinical and translational medicine.

Pubdate: 2024-07-09    Viewed: 109