Reagents and proteins
1 Annealing of ssDNAs to create dsDNA ligand for Fhk1-DBD. ~300 ng of each indicated ss/dsDNA was run on a 3.5% agarose gel at 25 V/cm for 20 min in 0.5 × TB to distinguish the ssDNA 22-mers from the annealed dsDNA complex. 1: 5’-TGCAAAATGTAAACAAGACT-3’; 2: 5’-AGTCTTGTTTACATTTTGCA-3’; A: the annealed dsDNA |
Quantitation of protein using the equation Cmg/mL= 1.55A280 – 0.76A260
Modification of formula to improve the quantitation accuracy
Bradford assay for protein quantitation
Method validation using Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) DnaG–CTG complexes
2 Preparation of MtuP49-CTG complex. A MtuP49 was mixed with a gradient concentration of CTG, and the samples were run on a 3.0% UltraGelRed predyeing-agarose gel at 20 V/cm for 20 min in 0.5× TB. And the results showed that the content of free nucleic acid decreased gradually, with the increasing concentration of MtuP49, and more and more complexes were formed. B Binding curve of MtuP49-CTG by free ssDNA, using the ImageJ. C purification of MtuP49-CTG complex by Superdex 200 increase gel filtration column (GE Healthcare, 10 × 300). By this gel filtration column, the complex can be well separated from MtuP49, while its retention time was close with a nucleic acid. For this reason, the excess MtuP49 was added to completely bind the free CTG |
Statistical analysis
Protein quantitation using empirical formula was unsatisfactory
3 Protein quantitation by the empirical formula. A BSA–CTA mixture. B BSA–dsDNA mixture. C Lysozyme–CTA mixture. D Lysozyme–dsDNA mixture. E BstDnaB–dT16 complex/mixture. F BsuDnaG–CTA complex/mixture. G Fkh1–DBD–dsDNA complex/mixture. The protein concentrations among the complexes were first measured by Nanodrop, based on A280, as marked as red circles, where the blue circles represent the actual concentrations with no nucleic acid added. The black dots represent the quantified protein concentrations among the above groups, as calculated using the empirical formula (Eq. 1), based on A280 and A260. Unpaired t-test by the Holm-Sidak method was used to analyze statistical difference, with * for p < 0.05 |
Modification of the empirical formula
4 Protein quantitation of BstDnaB–dT16 by modified formula. A Protein concentration (blue line) calculated using the formula (Eq. 6), which was modified from the empirical formula (Eq. 1) with paired values of A280 and A260 corresponding to N/Ps of 0 and 0.2737. B Protein concentration (green line) calculated using the formula (Eq. 8), which was modified from the empirical formula (Eq. 1) with paired values of A280 and A260 corresponding to N/Ps of 0 and1.3687. The protein concentrations among BstDnaB–dT16 complexes measured by Nanodrop, based on A280, were marked as red circles; the blue circles represented the actual concentrations with no nucleic acid added. Unpaired t-test by the Holm-Sidak method was used to analyze statistical difference, with * for p < 0.05 |