Fabrication and characterization of RGO grids
2 Characterization of reduced graphene oxide membrane. A XPS spectra of graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Energy binding peaks assigned to C1s and O1s of 284.4 eV and 532.8 eV were labeled. B High-resolution XPS C1s spectra of graphene oxide. C High-resolution XPS C1s spectra of reduced graphene oxide. D Interlayer space of graphene oxide membrane measured by AFM. The measured regions and corresponding height plots were windowed by rectangles. E Interlayer space of reduced graphene oxide membrane measured by AFM. F Sheet-resistance histogram of reduced graphene oxide membrane |
Characterization of the hydrophilicity and charging effect of RGO membrane
3 TEM characterization and hydrophilicity of RGO and GO membranes. A A representative TEM image of RGO monolayer covering a hole. The inset was the electron diffraction pattern of the selected region labeled by red square. B Statistics of graphene layer number across holes on the EM grid. C Water contact angles of RGO (orange curve) and GO (dark blue) coated grids after 0, 10, 20 and 30 s low-energy plasma treatment. D A low-magnification micrograph of RGO membrane imaged under defocus condition after irradiation of smaller regions at a total dose of ~200 e−/Å2. E A low-magnification micrograph of GO membrane imaged under defocus condition after irradiation of smaller regions (circled by dotted yellow lines) at a total dose of ~200 e−/Å2. F A micrograph of the same area in E taken at overfocus condition. Electron beam-induced footprints are visible in F and E |
RGO for Cryo-EM reconstructions
4 RGO for cryo-EM reconstructions. A A representative micrograph of 20S proteasome on RGO membrane. The inset was the two-dimensional classification results. Scale bar represented 20 nm. B The B factor of the reconstruction of 20S proteasome on RGO was plotted with the accumulated dose. C The reconstructed cryo-EM map of 20S proteasome. The density detail with the corresponding atomic model (PDB: 3J9I (Li et al. 2013)) docked was listed aside in the red box. Some side chains could be clearly recognized. D A representative micrograph of ribosome on RGO membrane. Scale bar represented 20 nm. E The B factor of ribosome plotted with the accumulated dose. F The reconstructed cryo-EM map of ribosome. The density detail with the corresponding atomic model (PDB: 5H4P (Ma et al. 2017)) docked was listed aside in the red box, consistent with the reported resolution. G Cryo-electron tomography of 20S proteasome specimen supported by RGO membrane. Left: the schematic diagram of 20S proteasome particles on RGO membrane, indicated by red dotted line. Middle: the distribution of particles position in ice. The dotted circles indicated individual particles, and the red dotted line indicated RGO membrane. Right: three selected cross sections of the cryo-specimen ET reconstruction. From up to bottom were air–water interface, RGO-water interface and RGO membrane sections, respectively. 20S proteasome particles were mainly distributed on the RGO-water interface |
Cryo-EM analysis of protein molecules of small molecular weight on RGO grid
5 Cryo-EM reconstruction of ACE2-RBD complex supported by RGO membrane. A A representative micrograph of RBD-ACE2 complex in the RGO supporting area. The inset was the corresponding FFT image, where six first-order diffraction spots of graphene were sharply displayed. B A representative micrograph of RBD-ACE2 complex in the RGO-broken area. C The FSC curve of ACE2-RBD complex reconstruction. The dotted gray line indicated FSC = 0.143, which was used for estimating the resolution. D The cryo-EM density of ACE2-RBD complex. The pink region was ACE2, while the cyan was RBD. E The ACE2-RBD interaction interface with their atomic models docked. F The ACE2-RBD model-map FSC curve. G Comparison between the cryo-EM structure solved in this work (colored in pink) with the reported X-ray crystal structure (PDB: 6M0J, in green). H RMSD (Å) between the cryo-EM structure and the X-ray crystal structure. I 3D vector map between the cryo-EM structure and the X-ray crystal structure, using RBD as the alignment reference. The vector lengths indicated the displacement scale across these two structures |