Guidelines for authors

Article Types

Word limits are provided for guidance only. The Editors will consider submissions that exceed the recommended limit, subject to feedback received during peer review.


A manuscript reports the results of an original full-length study. An article has a comprehensive narrative that includes introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and references.

Abstract: Limited to 250 words without key words.

Word limit: Limited to 6,500 words excluding abstract, references, tables, figures, and their legends.

Tables and figures: The total number of tables and figures for the main text is limited to 8.

References guideline: Limited to 60 references. Please use the most important and relevant references where possible.
Supplemental information: Supplemental information for less important materials, methods, data (tables and figures) is allowed.


A review should comprehensively and systematically analyze and discuss the existing literature related to a specific topic. Expert synthesis, assessment, future direction, and challenges are expected. Generally, a review article should have an introduction to provide the rationale for the review, followed by sections with appropriate subheadings, and a perspective section at the end. The standard headings (acknowledgements, contributions, competing interests, funding) are also required. All invited reviews will undergo peer review prior to acceptance. Before conceiving and writing a review, it is encouraged to consult the Editor-in-Chief of the relevant journal first.

Abstract: Limited to 250 words.

Word limit: Limited to 6,000 words, excluding abstract, references, figures and tables.

References guideline: Limited to 100 references.

Supplemental information: Optional


An authoritative, timely opinion on an issue or a paper; it is usually written or invited by the Editor-in-Chief.  

Abstract: Not relevant.

Word limit: Limited to 1,000 words excluding references.

References guideline: Limited to 10 references.

Supplemental information: Optional.


A perspective article expresses an opinion or a new perspective about existing research on a particular topic. Perspectives propose and support a new hypothesis, discuss the implications of a newly implemented innovation, or present unique viewpoints on existing problems, fundamental concepts, or prevalent notions on a specific topic. A perspective article may focus on current advances and future directions on a topic and may include original data.

Abstract: Not relevant.

Word limit: Limited to 3,000 words excluding abstract, references and figure legends.

References guideline: Limited to 40 references.

Supplemental information: Optional.


Opinion article presents the author's viewpoint on the interpretation, analysis, or methods used in a particular study.

Abstract: Not related.

Word Limit: The minimum word count is 2,000 words.

References guideline: Not related.

Supplemental information: Optional.


A Letter is a short article that presents significant discoveries, methods, resources and the author's in-depth viewpoint on the current hotspot. 

Abstract: Not related.

Word Limit: Limited to 3,500 words excluding references and figure legends.

Tables and figures: The total number of tables and figures for the main text is limited to 4.

References guideline: Limited to 10 references.

Supplemental information: Optional.

Pubdate: 2024-04-24    Viewed: 157