Efficient Combustion of the Fixed Coal Layer in an Advanced Combustion Chamber Design for Low-Power Boilers
A. B. Kudasheva, M. Zh. Khazimov, A. K. Niyazbayev, A. A. Tursynzhanova, A. B. Borsikbayeva, B. A. Urmashev, V. D. Gorburov, K. M. Khazimov
Transactions of Tianjin University ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6) : 471-487.
Efficient Combustion of the Fixed Coal Layer in an Advanced Combustion Chamber Design for Low-Power Boilers
In the long term, coal will remain a competitive resource in the thermal power sector, primarily due to its abundant global reserves and low costs. Despite numerous factors, including significant environmental concerns, the global share of coal power generation has remained at 40% over the past four decades. Efficient and clean coal combustion is a high priority wherever coal is used as a fuel. An improved low-power boiler design has been proposed to enhance efficiency during fixed-bed coal combustion. This design reduces harmful emissions into the atmosphere by optimizing parameters and operating modes. In this study, mathematical modeling of gas velocity and temperature distribution during fixed-bed coal combustion was conducted for a conventional grate system and an improved grate-free system. Experimental methods were employed to develop descriptive airflow models in the fixed coal layer, considering nozzle diameter and air supply pressure in the furnace chamber without a grate system. Comparative evaluations of fixed-bed coal combustion rates were performed using an experimental laboratory setup with both grate and grate-free stove systems.
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