Potential of eNose Technology for Monitoring Biological CO2 Conversion Processes

Muhammad Awais, Syed Muhammad Zaigham Abbas Naqvi, Sami Ullah Khan, M. Ijaz Khan, Sherzod Abdullaev, Junfeng Wu, Wei Zhang, Jiandong Hu

Transactions of Tianjin University ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5) : 381-394.

Transactions of Tianjin University ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5) : 381-394. DOI: 10.1007/s12209-024-00411-3

Potential of eNose Technology for Monitoring Biological CO2 Conversion Processes

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Electronic nose (eNose) is a modern bioelectronic sensor for monitoring biological processes that convert CO2 into value-added products, such as products formed during photosynthesis and microbial fermentation. eNose technology uses an array of sensors to detect and quantify gases, including CO2, in the air. This study briefly introduces the concept of eNose technology and potential applications thereof in monitoring CO2 conversion processes. It also provides background information on biological CO2 conversion processes. Furthermore, the working principles of eNose technology vis-à-vis gas detection are discussed along with its advantages and limitations versus traditional monitoring methods. This study also provides case studies that have used this technology for monitoring biological CO2 conversion processes. eNose-predicted measurements were observed to be completely aligned with biological parameters for R2 values of 0.864, 0.808, 0.802, and 0.948. We test eNose technology in a variety of biological settings, such as algae farms or bioreactors, to determine its effectiveness in monitoring CO2 conversion processes. We also explore the potential benefits of employing this technology vis-à-vis monitoring biological CO2 conversion processes, such as increased reaction efficiency and reduced costs versus traditional monitoring methods. Moreover, future directions and challenges of using this technology in CO2 capture and conversion have been discussed. Overall, we believe this study would contribute to developing new and innovative methods for monitoring biological CO2 conversion processes and mitigating climate change.

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Muhammad Awais, Syed Muhammad Zaigham Abbas Naqvi, Sami Ullah Khan, M. Ijaz Khan, Sherzod Abdullaev, Junfeng Wu, Wei Zhang, Jiandong Hu. Potential of eNose Technology for Monitoring Biological CO2 Conversion Processes. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2024, 30(5): 381‒394 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12209-024-00411-3


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